in car leds from my factory in China

At recent years, most electric cars are choosing car leds now.

Kuba uninzi lwee-lead zemoto ziya zitshiphu kwaye abathengi banako ukuzithenga ngoku.

Umzekelo, ixabiso leledi zemoto lalimalunga ne-usd20.00 ikhithi nganye, kodwa ngoku imalunga ne-usd10.00 kuphela ikhithi nganye.

Meanwhile, car leds are really very longer life time and brighter.

For example, the life time of car leds will be 30000 hours to 50000 hours.

Ngokumalunga nokukhanya, uninzi lweeledi zeemoto ziyi-1800lm-2200lm, elingana ne-70w-80w iibhalbhu ze-tungsten filament.

Eyona ngxaki yezinye iimoto zemoto azihambelani ne-BCM yeemoto.

I like to discuss with all customers about in car leds at any time.