led vs halogen headlights amp draw

Do you know clearly what’s different between led and halogen headlights amp draw?

Waxaan jeclaan lahaa inaan idiin sharaxo sida hoos ku qoran.

Most of 12v halogen headlights is about 4-5 amp draw, but led headlights are only about 2-2.5 amp draw.

When some cars using led headlights, BMC is imcompatible with small amp draw.

At the moment, we need to put an extra resistor for led headlights.

LED and halogen headlights are all our main products.

My factory has produced led and halogen headlights for many years.

Due to my factory always value quality beyond other things, our led and halogen headlights are all good sale now.

I will show you some pictures of led and halogen headlights as below.