12V LED Strip mwenje yemota muChinese fekitori

Mangwanani Changamire uye ndinokutendai neshoko renyu nezve 12V LED Strip marambi emota.

I would like to infor you most of LED Strip lights for cars is 5v now.

Nekuti 5v LED Strip mwenje yemota ishoma kupisa kunoitika imomo.

We have tested 12V LED Strip lights for cars and 5v.

Tembiricha ye12V LED Strip mwenje yemota ichasvika makumi mashanu madhigirii, asi 50v inongoita madhigirii makumi matatu chete.

So I think 5V LED Strip lights for cars shall be much safer for drivers and passengers.

Ini ndinoda kukuratidza edu akanakisa 5V LED Strip marambi emota sepazasi.