Auto Halogen Glühbir 400 Watt aus Chinesesch Fabréck

I think you made a mistake for auto halogen bulb 400 watt.

Because most of auto halogen bulbs are not 400 watt.

As usual, the maximum power of auto halogen bulb is 130 watt.

If over 130 watt, most of auto halogen bulb can’t work.

Because auto halogen bulb 400 watt will be too hot and it makes life time is very short.

Fir Iech kloer eis Auto Halogen Glühbir 400 Watt ze maachen, weisen ech Iech Biller wéi hei ënnen.

Hoffen Dir kommt mat eis ze schwätzen Auto Halogen Glühbir 400 Watt zu all Moment.