do halogen car bulbs dim over time?

Do you find car halogen bulbs dim over time?

Ger erê, ez dixwazim wekî jêrîn ji we re vebêjim.

As you know, most of car halogen bulbs are all tungsten filament bulbs.

So all of car halogen bulbs will be light decay after using some years.

When you find car halogen bulbs dim over time, I suggest you’d better change them without any delay.

All of our car halogen bulbs are all using “anti-uv quartz glass”, which are the same quality as famous brands in the world wide.

Our car halogen bulbs are all hot sale on amazon in USA and also we plan to sell them in Germany in 2022.

The most important thing is the price of our car halogen bulbs are at least 20%-50% less than others.

Welcome all customers come to talk with us do halogen car bulbs dim over time at any times.