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9-32v modified car led angel light from chinese factory,



Upgrading or modifying LED angel lights for cars can enhance the appearance and visibility of your vehicle. Here are some general steps and considerations you might want to keep in mind:

1. Check Local Regulations:

Ensure that any modifications you make comply with local laws and regulations. Some places have specific rules regarding the color and intensity of vehicle lights.

2. Choose Quality LED Lights:

Invest in high-quality LED angel lights to ensure durability and optimal performance. Look for lights that are specifically designed for automotive use and have good reviews.

3. Select the Right Color:

Choose a color that complements your car’s overall aesthetics and is legal in your area. Common colors for angel eyes include white, blue, and amber.

4. Determine Installation Method:

Depending on your car model, you may have different options for installing angel lights. Some are designed to replace existing halos, while others might require additional modification.

5. Understand Wiring:

Familiarize yourself with the wiring diagram for your car and the LED lights. Ensure a proper connection to the power source, and use appropriate connectors and insulation to prevent electrical issues.

6. Use a Relay:

To prevent overloading the factory wiring and ensure a stable power supply, consider using a relay. A relay can handle the higher current required for aftermarket lighting.

7. Install Resistors (if necessary):

LED lights may cause hyperflashing or other issues due to their lower power consumption. Installing resistors can help simulate the load of traditional bulbs and prevent these problems.

8. Waterproofing:

Ensure that the lights are adequately sealed to prevent water and moisture from entering. This is crucial for the longevity of the LEDs and to prevent electrical issues.

9. Alignment and Positioning:

Install the angel lights in a way that enhances the aesthetics of your car. Consider the placement and alignment for the best visual effect.

10. Test and Adjust:

After installation, test the lights to ensure they are working correctly. Make any necessary adjustments to the positioning or alignment.

11. Professional Installation:

If you’re not confident in your ability to install the lights yourself, consider having them professionally installed. This can ensure a proper and safe installation.

12. Regular Maintenance:

Periodically check the lights for any issues and perform maintenance to keep them in good condition.

Remember that modifying your car’s lighting may void warranties or impact its resale value, so it’s essential to consider these factors before making any changes. Always prioritize safety and compliance with local regulations.