h7 bulb upgrade from newbrown

Due to new technologies developping quickly, h7 bulb upgrade also very soon.

In the world markets, h7 bulbs include h7 halogen bulb, h7 hid bulb and h7 led bulb.

At the present, many people focus h7 led bulb widely.

Because h7 led bulb upgrade represent newest trend.

For example, h7 bulb upgrade led energy saving, plug and play, high power and longer life.

As you knew, energy crisis becomes more and more strict recent years, but h7 bulb upgrade only consume 1/3 power of tungsten filaments bulbs.

And then h7 upgrade bulb give 70w-80w power of tungsten bulbs.

If you can give our h7 bulb upgrade, I am sure you can save so much time, energy and money.