Halogen vs incandescent heat

Raws li koj paub, tag nrho cov halogen thiab incandescent yog tag nrho cov tshwm sim kub ceev.

But all of our auto halogen bulbs are all putting halogen gas inside, so they have good heating dissipation.

Meanwhile, zoo dua halogen noob thaum tshav kub kub dissipation kuj yuav ua rau lub neej ntev dua incandescent.

Txawm hais tias halogas roj kim heev, kuv lub Hoobkas tseem tso nws txaus rau hauv qhov muag teev.

Kuv xav qhia koj peb cov qij halogen raws li hauv qab no.

Feem ntau ntawm peb cov qij halogen tag nrho yog 800-1200 teev.

Zoo siab txais tos txhua tus neeg siv khoom tuaj tham nrog peb Halogen vs incandescent cua sov txhua lub sijhawm.